Red A.w.a.r.d.s. Event
Enjoy a heart-healthy luncheon, with speakers that will engage you, educate you and empower you with information related to heart disease. The Inaugural Red Dress A.W.A.R.D.S Event February 10th , 2024, 11:00 to 3:00 pm will also include a community awards presentation, fashion show, and lots of free giveaways!
Inaugural Red Event
The Red Dress A.W.A.R.D.S Event is a heart-healthy luncheon/fashion show that Alerts Women About the Risk of DiseaseS (A.W.A.R.D.S.) that contribute to Coronary Artery Disease.
There is a Keynote address by a Physician; a female testimonial regarding the topic addressed; and a runway where women/children and men walk in their finest attire.
There is music, basket giveaways, fun, and opportunities to capture the moments with photography!
Since 2006 Dr. Kathryn McFarland has been putting on events in North Carolina as well as in Georgia.
READY TO LIVE HEart aware?
Inaugural Red Dress A.W.A.R.D.S Event
Saturday, February 10th , 2024
11:00 am to 3:00 pm
Heart Healthy Lunch
Speakers & Fashion Show
Basket Giveaways

“Prioritizing heart health is crucial because it’s the foundation for a vibrant life, allowing us to love, laugh, and thrive with those we cherish most.”
– Dr. McFarland
But you know what?
Heart disease is the leading killer among men and women.
NOT only in the US, but worldwide! February
is Heart Health Awareness Month and Kingdom Cardiovascular Care and Wellness Center wants to make it memorable.
Understanding risk factors for heart disease and how to live a heart-healthy lifestyle are part of honoring your temple and practicing self-care!
Name of your course here
Marzipan soufflé apple pie danish tootsie roll macaroon gummies lollipop. Donut toffee liquorice marshmallow. Powder jelly beans cookie sugar plum toffee marzipan marshmallow marshmallow candy canes. Sugar plum dessert candy canes oat cake sesame snaps fruitcake carrot cake carrot cake. Dragée apple pie chocolate bar sweet roll powder halvah pudding.

Let’s get down to business
Here is what we cover…
Module one
Name of Module One
Marzipan soufflé apple pie danish tootsie roll macaroon gummies lollipop. Donut toffee liquorice marshmallow. Powder jelly beans cookie sugar plum toffee marzipan marshmallow marshmallow candy canes. Sugar plum dessert candy canes oat cake sesame snaps fruitcake carrot cake carrot cake. Dragée apple pie chocolate bar sweet roll powder halvah pudding. Caramels candy canes apple pie.
Module Two
Name of Module Two
Marzipan soufflé apple pie danish tootsie roll macaroon gummies lollipop. Donut toffee liquorice marshmallow. Powder jelly beans cookie sugar plum toffee marzipan marshmallow marshmallow candy canes. Sugar plum dessert candy canes oat cake sesame snaps fruitcake carrot cake carrot cake. Dragée apple pie chocolate bar sweet roll powder halvah pudding. Caramels candy canes apple pie.
Module Three
Name of Module Three
Marzipan soufflé apple pie danish tootsie roll macaroon gummies lollipop. Donut toffee liquorice marshmallow. Powder jelly beans cookie sugar plum toffee marzipan marshmallow marshmallow candy canes. Sugar plum dessert candy canes oat cake sesame snaps fruitcake carrot cake carrot cake. Dragée apple pie chocolate bar sweet roll powder halvah pudding. Caramels candy canes apple pie.